Diablo 3 forums complains
Diablo 3 forums complains

In my case, I am very unhappy with the delivery, because of 6 times since the launch that I had a time to play the game (I have a rather busy work life and can't play everyday), I could only do it 3 times, because the rest of the time the servers were either down, busy or simply laggy. It is not ok that a company sells a product under the disclaimer that this product may or may not work. Still, people have to understand that EULAs or whatever are not legally binding, especially if they put the consumer in the disadvantage. If you honestly tell me, that everytime you purchase a product, that you ensure you have a fully read and understood warranty/service agreement that you check to ensure it hasn't changed each and everytime then personally I would be incredulous and not really believe you.No, I, just as everyone else, usually skip reading the EULA or whatever there is. That's product trust, and Blizzard have a good reputation for turning out good shizzle.

diablo 3 forums complains

If you bought a tin of beans form a company once, you will assume all subsequent tins of bins will have the same level of quality, and happily buy them. People go on product and brand trust all the time, its normal.

Diablo 3 forums complains